I posted a couple of threads along these lines a while ago; and my son is a lot happier now,mainly due to the great advice I was given.
It's so upsetting when you've always had answers,not to have answers for them anymore, is'nt it?
But my son, who's 8; is getting there.
He still wants to say his prayers at night; so we do- but I don't say Jehovah anymore; I just could'nt.
We now focus on anti-jw teachings in our prayers(!)such as 'how can we make the world a better place to be?
What charity shall we collect for?(he chose the RNLI this month)
How can I show love to someone?
Can I help people who need it?
The importance of recycling(i'm clutching at straws this week!)
But you get the jist of it; i'm trying to get his thoughts off Armaggedon and on to reality- and including a God, as he wants him there at the moment.
And while i'm more than happy to let my two older (near teen and teen)girls to find their own way;(yoga and sleeping at the moment!) he is too young to search and prefers to be 'led' a little, for now.
Hopefully, before realises it, the 'christian' things we talk about will be so far removed from the jw hopes, if he encounters them in later life, he won't recognise it as christianity-and he won't be tempted back.
I keep reminding myself that it's only been 9 months since we left, so he did'nt really take long to settle.
I hope your little girl finds something to override the feelings she has.
It's a bit like a break-up is'nt it?They need to grieve really; i'm sure my son was.
I told him that the JW's got a lot wrong-but not all(sermon on the mount etc)and were pretty confused, but did'nt realise it-we saw they were 'wrong', so we left.And now we spend a lot of time together,' trying to 'find' what to do to be a good person'(his words!)
Keep smiling!.